
2 Day Advanced Color Workshop (am)

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2 Day Advanced Color Workshop (am)

20 ratings

This workshop is now available to watch the recordings!

Workshop will take place on Zoom, Dec 6th & 7th at 9am to 12pm (pst) 2021. Live class with Q&A. There is an AM and PM class, so pick which one is best for you!

I wanted to put together a class focusing on the intricacies of color. Color is so important for image making, creating striking visdev work, and for capturing mood. In this class I go over many topics to help us understand color. We can then take these tools and apply them to creating fantastic art. I promise, you will see color differently after this! This is a moderate to advanced workshop. I highly recommend that you take my "Intro to Photoshop and Values" class or you have a basic understanding of values before taking this workshop.

In this class I go over:

  • How to observe color.
  • Types of color pallets and why we use them.
  • Photoshop tricks to help aid in creating color pallets.
  • Color temperature, and how to see the subtle shifts.
  • How to study and grow your color knowledge.
  • Impressionistic techniques.
  • Mood, light, and atmosphere.
  • How to apply this color knowledge to your art.

What you need? Any painting app, a computer with tablet or an iPad. (I will be painting in Photoshop so I will go over some PS tools but PS is not necessary.)

Any questions, please email me: zacretz@gmail.com

*After purchasing the class, you will get a private Zoom link in the downloadable materials. Use this link to join the day of the class! Along with my brush set! I look foreword to see you!

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